电 话:021-34781959-223
邮 箱:glxh09@163.com
Welcome to become membership of Industrial
Boiler Branch Of China Electrical Equipment
Industry Association(CIBB)
联系人:  詹莎    
电 话:  021-34781959-223 传 真:  021-54708269
邮 箱:  glxh09@163.com 邮 编:  201114
地 址:  上海市新骏环路138号上海临港浦江国际科技城4幢2楼


Welcome to become membership of Industrial Boiler Branch Of China Electrical Equipment Industry Association (CIBB)


Please read carefully <Brief Introduction of CIBB> and <industrial Boiler Branch of China Electrical Equipment Industry Association Work Ordinances> before you make decision to apply for the membership qualification;


As to the procedures concerning application and application accepting or refusing,Please refer to Industrial Boiler Branch of China Electrical Equipment Industry Association Membership Registration Administration.Membership companies should pay dues according to Industrial Boiler Branch of China Electrical Equipment Industry Association Membership Dues Administration;


Work Ordinances is also available on the website: “www.cibb.net.cn”. CIBB Membership Application Form could be downloaded from the website.


If you have any questions,please don't hesitate to inquire to the Secretariat of Industrial Boiler Branch of China Electrical Equipment Industry Association(please refer to back cover for detailed contact information)。

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